
Hello Corder’s Corner fans!

Recently, I started working on a podcast with some friends from school. It’s been a great experience so far. I have really enjoyed it.

When you click on iTunes for podcasts, be sure to add mine! I’ve got an official page and everything, which is super exciting! I even found myself on the Podcast app!

Anyways, as I have been going through this process of creating my AmuseMEnts podcast, it has been a unique experience for me. I’ve tried to take the podcast and use it to relate to things I am learning about communications, public relations, marketing and promotions. I think that those are things I am comfortable talking about and can share insight on. Additionally, I hope to get feedback from others and start conversations. While I know it is important to share information, I also think I can benefit from what others have noticed and observed.

I really believe that we can learn something every day. We can learn about podcasts, iTunes, marketing and even social media every day. I am not an expert. I am a student of the world and someone who wants to learn and share what I have learned. But to call my self an expert implies I have nothing left to learn, which is honestly not true!

I’ve been working with a group called NewAmp Network to get our podcasts started. My friend Bryan has really been fantastic about keeping everyone on track and making sure we are doing good things with the podcasts. I try to rely on my experiences as a Disc Jockey with Black Squirrel Radio. I’ve enjoyed that experience with my show Sedatephobia! (Like us on Facebook or follow us @SedatephobiaBSR) Our show has been on air for 5 semesters and we have even been the “Most Listened to Show” one semester, which was fabulous!

Feel free to comment with questions. I am always happy to share information and insight! I want to hear your opinion about my show and tell me what you think! I’m working on procuring better equipment and brainstorming topic ideas!

Have a great day! Stay classy and check yoself before you wreck yoself!
